The tools of Psychotherapy are based on the idea “words and some action” and come from:
• Psychoanalytic techniques
• Active listening & Active Narration techniques
• Emotional recognition exercises
• Emotional management techniques.
• “Observer” and “Being Observed” exercises.
Psychotherapy sessions aim:
1. To create curiosity for our psychological functioning.
We tend to assume that the psychic functions taking place at any moment are automate and/or reflexive. The truth is that some of them are indeed. On the other hand, there are also lots of psychic functions that are not the result of automated or reflexive process and thus they can be managed differently in different situations. The first step towards a more active management of our psychic functioning, is cultivating curiosity for it. The safe environment of the therapeutic session is the ideal place to unfold that process.
2. To reconcile the “observing mind” with the subjective experience.
Our mind holds always an observer position which actually is a fundamental mental ability. We gain higher functionality when mind is familiar with staying in the observer’s position and not turning through the years into a “strict judge”. Furthermore the observing mind must be able to distinguish between the objective and the subjective world without confusing those two realities.
3. To cultivate individualized mental skills.
When the subjectivity of our mental functioning is distinguishable, things such, defending our boundaries and distinguishing “external” from “internal” challenges, become easier. It is then that becomes apparent which mental skills are more useful than others for each individual. Their cultivation contributes greatly to daily balance and well-being.
4. To shed light in past experiences and future expectations.
Sometimes the intensity of past experiences or future expectations shifts our attention to the past or the future respectively. Obviously, it is sometimes helpful to look back to our memories or to escape to future plans, but it is the balance between those two trends that allows us to have space and time for action in the present.
5. To establish the higher possible functionality for every individual.
Each of us can achieve different levels of functionality in different contexts. How well we organize and invest in those different contexts, results to the highest possible overall functionality we can achieve. It is very useful to recognize in which contexts we can succeed high functionality and in which a limited one; when we are able to take over a certain task, and when we must assign it to someone else. This detail makes possible to organize our actions and expectations more effectively.